Friday, November 12, 2010

Mid-Termania is!

The market is again today, but you don't get too excited. We had yesterday in the profits of the parking problems, which is exactly what happened a week ago.

In the last seven trading sessions, high, as is the case with closing 1,185.64 and low closing has been 1,182.45. Like narrow.Today, we've been as high as 1192.0,85% 0.67% S & P 500 as compared to today is currently our Buy list.

Of course, the big news is today elections. [1] [2] if the query should have thought, Democrats are in great loss. Intrade now receives more than one sees the 60 seats in the House GOP.

I would caution you from reading too much politics, starting from the market. You are a player that Larry Kudlow syndrome, in which each uptick or market is, therefore, to a downtick in Washington.

I'm reminded of the story when Richard Nixon was asked what he should, therefore, if he is President of the United States.Nixon said that he would be likely to down to the purchases of stocks, Wall Street. They asked the nimitekstiin wall Streeter, what he thought, that he said that if the President Nixon, he too will not be buying stocks.

The Federal Reserve begins its two-day meeting today in Washington. [1] [2] the great news coming tomorrow at 2: 15 pm, when they notify Quantitative easing plan. as I said before I wanted everyone else is disappointed, so you will not be able to see small troops surprised.

Then on Thursday, we have three more earnings reports in the future. If that does not have enough excitement, Friday we have the jobs report. However, the majority of the then November must be pretty boring.

Posted by Eddy 2nd.November 2010 at 10: 23 am

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